ETO Sterilisation

Cleanse & Protect

Cleanse & Protect

ETO sterilisation is a sterilisation method that uses ethylene oxide gas to kill microorganisms, including spores and viruses.

At GMI, we use a cold sterilisation process (typically between 37 and 63°C) ) that uses Ethylene Oxide gas to reduce the level of infectious agents. ETO sterilisation does not require high temperatures or pressure, making it suitable for products that cannot withstand the heat of typical autoclave sterilization such as plastic.

Depending on the medical products being sterilized, the total time required for the process can vary, but typical cycles last between 36 and 48 hours.

Our typical three-phase ETO sterilization cycle can be summed up as follows:

  • Preconditioning: 
    In the preconditioning stage, we create the ideal temperature and humidity conditions to force infectious agents to emerge from their dormancy

  • Sterilization:
    At the sterilization stage, we exposed the sterilizing agent to the ETO gas at the predetermined temperature, RH percent, and pressure levels to remove any potential microorganisms, including spores and viruses.

  • Aeration:
    Finally, it is crucial to have an excessive aeration stage to remove any remaining ETO gas and allow absorbed gas, particularly in plastic and rubber products, to re-evaporate from the sterilized items. As ETO gas can be harmful to body tissues, this is done to ensure the patients using the products are safe.